10 Jun 2013

What Time is it, Mr. Wolf?

As a kid, I used to love that game - What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf. For those who don't know how it goes, basically you have a Wolf (a chosen individual) and a bunch of sheep (children). The idea is to touch the Wolf who keeps his back to the sheep as they edge forward and call out 'What time is it Mr. Wolf?'
Mr. Wolf makes up any old time - one o'clock, five o'clock or whatever - as the children edge closer and closer asking what time it is. When the wolf thinks they are closer enough, he screams out 'Dinner Time!' and turns to touch the nearest child. Of course if he mis-times it and the children aren't close enough, he can't catch them and the game starts again. On the other hand, if the wolf leaves it too late, then one of the children can touch him and he is out of the game.
Sheep in Edinburgh
You probably wonder, justifiably, what has set me off on this track and how it could possibly be classed as a hint or tip on traveling to La Palma. Let me explain.
At five thirty this morning, I received a text from someone looking for accommodation on La Palma. They were already on the island but had a problem with their current accommodation and could I possibly find them another place. And would it be too early to ring and see what I suggest?
I must hastily explain that I had not had any contact whatsoever with this person before and had nothing to do with the current accommodation they were staying in.
As it happens, I didn't read the message until just before seven a.m. which is when said person rang.
So, as ever with a mind to writing blogs, I thought it was perhaps timely that I wrote and explained about the time on La Palma and the time in the Canaries in general.
Clock in Puntagorda, La Palma, Islas Canarias
You might be relieved to know that this does not require any lengthy explanation whatsoever - it's GMT. Yep, it is exactly the same time as it is in the UK - the clocks go forward an hour in Spring (spring forward) and go back an hour in autumn or what is called Fall in America (fall back). Thank you America for your help with that one.
I am actually giving the benefit of the doubt to my caller that he didn't know the time and perhaps thought it was an hour later than it was - although I didn't quiz him on this - and he was very apologetic. But it's an easy mistake to make and it's not the first time. In fact, we have had people staying with us who have been on the 'wrong time' all week and even two people who only just managed to get to the airport in time due to being in the 'wrong time.'
So if you are wondering What Time It Is in the Canaries, now you know! And it's probably best if you let Mr. Wolf sleep until at least 07.30 hrs. That's Greenwich Mean Time.

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