Not that I am claiming flying to La Palma via Tenerife is an entirely simple journey. But if the direct flights to La Palma, currently from London Gatwick, Manchester (winter only), Gran Canaria, Madrid, Germany, Holland and Belgium don't suit, then Tenerife can be a good, cheap option.
However, like all seemingly easy options or good buys, there's usually a catch of varying proportions and in the case of flying via Tenerife it's that you'll need to change airports from the south international airport to the north inter-island airport, except in the case of flights via Madrid. Which means going via the Santa Cruz bus station in the north of Tenerife.
I have of course posted a blog about this before, probably several times (!) because it can seem incredibly daunting. But in fact it is easier than you might think.
So whilst I have done this journey between the two airports many times, I have to confess to almost being de-railed this time - not by anything major such as a delayed flight, snow on the road (as if!) or other such calamity. No, this time it was a lack of change for the bus.
You see, normally I use the Bono Card which is a pre-payed card to the value of 15€, or more for frequent bus users. But this time, I hadn't got a card and was quite
I thought I had got the change situation covered to be honest, after all I had a hand full of change and a five euro note. But I hadn't quite taken into account the 9€ bus fare for the 50 minute journey up to Santa Cruz and so was just short of the right money. And my 50€ note was not accepted. No change!
The alternative then was to go back into the airport terminal and get some change and then take the next bus. Luckily, a kind fellow passenger took pity on me and changed the 50€ note for me. Phew! Thank you kind person.
So the moral is, either take plenty of change, small denomination notes or get a Bono Card. Then you can sit back on the bus and enjoy the Tenerife scenery. Enjoy!